Tuesday 2 February 2016

Today I went walking

About seven months ago, I left work one night and crumbled. That was the first day of my burn-out. It was not a fun seven months. Some parts are simply hazy. I hardly remember them at all. Other parts - the panic attacks, the crying, utter helplessness, the frustration and the anger - I remember crystal clear.

Through it all, the song above was my anthem. It drove me on. it gave me courage. It made me cry and made me laugh. It helped me to get up and take just one more impossible step.

And today I walked. Today I forged a new path, simply by walking. This Monday I started my new job. It was terrifying. Still is. But I got up. I took a step, and another one. I kept going. And here I am, going forward. Forging my own way. Not a way I'd ever have thought I'd be walking on, but a good way nonetheless. And where I walked, from now on will be a path.