Monday, 23 September 2013

Read a book before you go to bed, they said. Just a quarter of an hour, they said. It's a good way to unwind before sleeping, they said. Five hours, half a book, lots of adrenaline and several life altering experiences later I come up for air and realize they are idiots. Idiots who have, apparently, never read a good book. Also, that I'll have to get up in four hours.

Monday, 9 September 2013


We dromen enkel nog de grootste dromen,
Verslaan ieder monster op ons pad,
Beklimmen alle bergen die we tegenkomen,
Tot we ze allemaal hebben gehad.

En dan, zonder ooit te rusten,
Zoeken we nog hogere hoogten op.
Bevaren we nog verdere verten en exotischer kusten,
Nimmer stap op of draf, altijd in gallop.

Pas wanneer we alle geheimen weten,
En iedere uitdaging overwonnen is,
Laten we onszelf stoppen ons te meten
Aan de utopie die perfectie is.


We only dream the largest dreams,
Beat every monster to cross our path,
Climb every mountain until it seems,
We've had all there is to be had.

And then, without ever resting,
We go out and take on some higher height,
Find deeper waters that need testing,
Never slowing down, always speed of light.

Only when there is no more secret left to be discovered,
When we've conquered every challenge, beaten our own reflection,
We allow ourselves to stop measuring up,
To the utopia that is perfection.